Bonus Espresso
For those who prefer an espresso with an intensive aroma.
Tales from the cup
Four ways to prepare ground coffee
Read about the basic rules for preparing ground coffee in a dzezva (Turkisk coffee pot), Italian coffee pot, French press or filter machine.
Written by Franck d.d.Frequently asked questions about tea
Written by Iva TkalecArabica and Robusta: aroma and character
Nakon prženja, prilično sve kave izgledaju isto. No, jeste li znali da postoje zapravo na desetke različitih vrsta kave?
Written by Franck d.d.Franckpedia
Did you know?
One of the five fundamental flavours. At the tip of the tongue we taste sweet, to the left and right sour, in the middle of the tongue salty and at the back of the tongue bitter. The fifth flavour - umami - is a flavour that is tasted together with the other flavours in the mouth, and so we are often unaware of it. The tongue is covered with tiny taste buds, and each has countless nerve endings or sensory receptors that enables the sense of taste. We each have about 10,000 taste buds on our tongue, and each taste receptor is only stimulated by one type of flavour, so that some receptors react to sweet, while others react to sour, salt or bitter flavours.